The Brief No 64
25 December 2024
Change in politics in the region, particularly in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana; gave Mozambicans hope that they too were going to have new political setup in their country.
Many in Mozambique, particularly young people, were hoping that independent candidate Venancio Mondlane will win the elections.
On Monday the constitutional court of Mozambique reconfirmed that Daniel Chopa leader of FRELIMO was a winner of elections held on 09 October 2025.
After considerations by the constitutional council the results were slightly changed. Daniel Chapo’s majority was reduced from 71% to 65%. Independent candidate Venancio Mondlane received 24% of the vote according to the constitutional court.
Founded by Eduardo Mondlane and Samora Machel in Dar ea Salam in 1962. FRELIMO has been governing Mozambique since its independence in 1975.
However, the party has been losing support over the years, particularly amongst the youth, due to its failure to deliver services, improve the economy and reduce the levels of high unemployment. It has also failed to benefit the majority of Mozambicans from its gas riches which were recently discovered in that country.
The rise of Islamic insurgency in the northern province of Cabo Delgado has also not made things easy in Mozambique. Instead it has further added to political instability and polarisation.
What are the implications of the current political stalemate in Mozambique to South Africa:
South African economy will certainly be impacted. Most companies in South Africa utilise Maputo port for both import and export of their products.
Possible political refugee problem if the situation gets out of control could ensue. South Africa might have to deal with unexpected influx of refugees.
Tourism in both countries will be impacted. There are already serious delays at the Lebombo boarder between South Africa and Mozambique_
Finally, South Africa will have to tread very carefully in dealing with the current political stalemate in Mozambique. Notwithstanding its historical relationship with FRELIMO, It has to put an extra effort not to be seen to be taking sides.
Afrasid is available for commentary and analysis